Sunday, January 13, 2008

Lazy Sunday Links

Two new blogs and a How-To series for you this week.

First up: I woke up to a lovely e-mail from Tara announcing her new blog Days Missed on a Hammock. Started yesterday. We're getting in on the ground floor on this one!

Congratulations, Tara!

For Tara and any other new bloggers out there (and us old bloggers who still need to learn a few things...) All Things Bright and Beautiful is running a series of hints, tips and tricks. Want to learn how to use more fonts? Make your photos bigger? Those are the tips for this week, with many more to come in the weeks ahead.

And finally, a bit of shameless self-promotion.

Because I have much more to say than can fit in the three blogs I've already got going, I launched another one this week. It's called Basically Unemployable and it's all about living the self-employed life. Hints, tips, pratfalls, rants... If you're self-employed, dreaming of being self-employed, or possibly looking for reasons to feel grateful for your day job, this will be the blog for you!


Tara said...

Thanks, Barb, for including me this week!

blah said...

Dear Barb - thanks for including me too!!

Anonymous said...

You silly! You must be an overachiever! (hmmm, I know a bit about that!). I didn't know you had other blogs, I learn something new every day!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, made me smile, thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

barb, TELL me about it - self-employment, the perrils and pitfalls! i am going to take a look at your new blog, sounds right up my alley.

Barb McMahon and Alan Mailloux said...

Hee hee! No one's EVER called me an overachiever before. You made my day, Melissa!

Thanks for checking out the new blog!