Monday, May 18, 2009

Etsy Mondays - Talula

Some weeks this is a really hard post to write.


I have to think of a search term.  Then I have to actually search (all that clicking!!!), which can lead to coolness or sometimes not.

That's what it's like some weeks. 


This week? 

Found what I was looking for right on the front page.  Clicked over to talula and found even more wonderfulness - beautiful jewelry made with, among other things, little bits and pieces from old houses.  So cool!

Then I read her bio, which I reproduce for you:

talula bourdon*. Former secret agent, turned circus performer, excelling in trapeze artistry and the high-wire. Now residing in quaint Texas town, living incognito as ranch wife and mother of two. During spare time enjoys designing one of a kind heirloom jewelry, drinking very dirty vodka martinis, dreaming of living in Paris with my extremely handsome husband, and becoming gypsy fortune teller to the rich and famous.

*bourdon is french for bumblebee.


Seriously.  What's not to love?

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