Monday, July 27, 2009

Etsy Mondays - Cheap Treats

I searched Etsy for the term "cheap" in case anyone's feeling the pinch.

I love these little emoticon push-pins (you can also get them as magnets).  Because not everything can be digitized.



These mini thank you cards are lovely.  Never let saving money get in the way of good manners.

You're Welcome!


And this one's a real coup!  A cheap clothespin bag that helps you save even more money by hanging your laundry to dry!

Laundry Day


Sorry I've been so absent lately.  I was having massive problems posting these.  I couldn't load a picture from the web without Windows Live Writer crashing and dumping my work.

Then my husband suggested I not use Google Chrome for this operation.  So I went back to Internet Explorer and it worked like a charm.

Which just tells me that the catfight between Windows and Google really needs to end soon.  I mean, when it gets between a middle-aged writer and her blogging, well...

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