Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lazy Sunday Links

Lake Huron...


I found a couple of really cool things this week, in the spirit of "when life hands you lemons..."

First up, an art installation made from garbage that is strangely, wonderfully beautiful.

And a great use of all those nasty posters that pile up on telephone poles.  Very cool!

And a little bit of blog business to report, for those of you who love social media.  I've started a May December Home Facebook page.  It's synced with this blog, so if you prefer Facebook to Bloglines, please come on over and become a fan!

I've also (just) started a May December Home Twitter feed.  I hope you'll check it out.

I have tried to just put the widgets for these in my sidebar, but Blogger seems to be on something again.  Adding a new widget puts the whole sidebar on perma-shuffle, leading to tears and swearing.  I'll check back in and fix it when I can.

I hope you're all having a lovely lazy Sunday!  How's your summer going?


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