My parents had a friend who, for reasons I failed to document, regularly found himself out of work. And whenever that happened, there would be a party, with much drinking and hilarity and, I'm sure, occasional tears and bouts of hyperventilating.
I lost my job today.
The celebrations have begun and will continue throughout the weekend.
Because sometimes opportunities arrive when you least want them to.
I'm really sorry to hear about the job loss, especially in these difficult financial times. I hope that you have a great party and that wonderful new opportunities find you quickly!
any excuse for a party is a good reason to have some summer food and drinks. Too bad about the job. Something new will come along, it always does.
May the next round of blessings be obvious ones, the kind that don't come in disguise. And may the next batch of surprises, be happy ones. I hope there was chocolate at your party!
I'm a regular reader of your blog, but I do not think I have commented before. I hope that you have the best party with all your closest friends by your side! I know you will bounce back. Times are tough, but you are tougher.
Thanks so much, What Now?
Janie - you're wise beyond your years.
Lynn - I forgot the chocolate! The situation will be remedied...
And Attic Knitter - you chose the perfect time to delurk. Thanks so much.
They say "When one door closes, another opens". Good luck with the next door!
Thanks! I think I've actually got a couple to choose from.
I will say happier times are around the next corner, without a doubt...everything does indeed happen for a reason doesn't it? Just think of the wonderful things you will do with your time and newly decreased stress level...I can't wait to watch them unfold.
Thanks, Kim! It's all a big adventure, isn't it?
Glad you are taking it in hand this way, people persevere. Not to worry. Onward...
...and upward!
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