Basically, how it was supposed to go was this: my shop would close for the season the Sunday before Christmas and I would spend the winter fixing up the apartment and posting my progress and helpful hints as I went.
But then the our main floor tenant skipped town, bouncing the November rent cheque as she went. And now we're faced with redoing that apartment instead. On a tight budget and the shortest deadline we can manage.
This leaves nothing in the budget for doing up this place. I mean, we have lots of available credit, but I was really hoping not to use it all up this winter.
So, in between heading down to Windsor to celebrate my Father-in-law's 79th birthday last Sunday, and checking in on my Aunt Dorothy, who is doing much better than the last time we saw her, I've been feeling, I'll admit, a little sorry for myself.
Fortunately, both my Dad-in-law and my Aunt are really cool, really positive people.
It must be contagious, because I suddenly realize that this gives me a pretty great opportunity. I get to at least attempt to fix up my apartment using only the stuff I have on hand (thankfully, that includes paint).
I'll document the whole thing, showing you my thought processes, my successes and my failures. We'll see how far I get.
And, you know, it strikes me that this is what blogs have over magazines. The decorating magazines show you the pretty end result. And, while there may be a few "before" pics and the occasional reference to a disaster, only blogs can take you day by day through the missteps, mistakes and complete and utter failures that go into making our homes ours.
This could be kind of exciting.
Please wish me luck!
Good luck, and chin up mate, you'll do swimmingly well I have no doubt.
Can't wait to watch the progress. I have some paint I could donate to your cause.
I am looking forward to this adventure and hopefully you are too. Give us all the gorey details please.
Come and visit me again sometime.
Oooh! I never turn down donated paint! (and we get to file that under "things you never thought you'd hear yourself say"!)
Janet - I visit frequently. I'll me sure to leave more comments. Your blog is coming along nicely!
Thanks for the encouragement!
....uh, that'd be "I'll BE sure..."
a little tired here....
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