Well, Christmas is just a few days away.
While some of us are still scrambling to get ready, many of us have made our preparations and are starting to think about the next holiday.
I'm talking New Year's. That wonderful time of year when we get to take stock of our lives. Reassess where we are and where we're going. That time when we make resolutions and take on new challenges...
I say, stuff that! I'm tired. I need a nap. A whole bunch of them.
In fact, I need an entire month of naps. And I can't be alone on this one. So here's what I propose.
I declare January to be National Nap a Day Month or NaNaDaMo.
The rules are simple. Every day for the month of January, you take a nap. While I'm hoping to snooze at least a couple of entire afternoons away, ten minutes with your feet up and your eyes closed will do.
I know what you're thinking: Will there be prizes?
People, you get to have a NAP every day for a whole MONTH! Participation IS the prize! Plus, I have a month to come up with something nice for you, so, yes, there'll likely be prizes.
Who's with me on this?
If I close my eyes for ten minutes, I will be asleep for three hours and wake up with a headache and a NEED for coffee. Sorry, at the risk of being a poor sport, I can't participate in this one, LOL.
No, indeed. I'd hate for any of my friends to be in pain!
I am already pretty much a "Nap a Day" person. "Power Naps" really do it for me! Fortunately I can just drop off for a few minutes and feel much better for it!
So I have my first participant?
i'm so there!!!...zzzz....
Does two minutes a day, sitting down and closing my eyes count? I think I can manage that. Otherwise, I'll have to wait til I go to sleep at night!
You're on....as a nap whenever I can sort of fellow anyway, I think I am up to the challenge....because in the midst of packing, tripping over dogs and boxes and things I had forgotten I even owned [ which is what packing is all about ] I figure I have earned a nap.....
:) You are such a cutie! :) Love your sense of humour! Im abandoning the whole party scene & escapng to my sisters for Newyears where you are not 'obliged' to party or celebrate (yes, such places exist :))
Yes the to do list and the resolutions will happen- but that I enjoy doing anyway ;)
Yay! More participants!
Jennifer - yes, two minutes does count!
dr. d - you have definitely earned those naps!
and Vineeta, have a lovely time at New Years!
What a great plan---only I find it's involuntary. Sit down, doze off......I'll finish this later....
Hehehe! Fortunately, involuntary napping still counts!
I'm in.
Can't it be INaDaMo? I'm in England and I feel like I'd be missing out if I didn't participate.
There's something so delicious to putting my laptop on mute (I work from home) folding my arms on the desk and resting my head on top, especially at that time in the afternoon when my body seems to be busy digesting my lunch....
Or if I am in the office (which is rare) slipping off to the loo, putting the lid down and resting my head in my hands for 10 minutes. Bliss.
INaDaMo! I love it! Might not change the name till next year - too busy napping - but it's definitely open to everyone!
What a great idea!!! and I really need to rest and take a nap a day is super!
I'm starting this same afternoon.
A hug from San Julián, Patagonia Argentina
WHOA. A little late on the boat this time, but I am SO in.
I'll keep my eye on the prize, and well... they'll be shut. :)
It's never too late to join!
Definitely me. I am in. I even mentioned it in my blog today and napping is in my profile too.
Thanks Cait!
2 o'clock every day . . . it just happens anyway. I doze off over my work, come what may. Five minutes usually does the trick and then I'm awake and ready to go again. (Quite lucky that I work from home, really.) Not that much of January left now, but I can guarantee I'll be participating for the remaining half of the month.
Oooh! Someone else with lots of blogs!
Welcome to NaNaDaMo, Juliet!
And thanks for the warm greetings, Lorena!
I'm signing up my three year old pronto quick...
Of course, when my nieces were that age, they viewed napping as a form of torture....
Good luck!
Ah so sad NaNaDaMo is over!
I'm a latecomer to this blog article but felt compelled to chime in with my two cents. I just want you to know that napping is my (daily) life and this is the greatest idea ever. Thank you.
It's never too late to join the fun! Thanks for chiming in. And be assured, this will be an annual event!
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