Monday, June 1, 2009

Etsy Mondays - The Great Outdoors

We are having the best spring in years where I live.  It's making me excited about my garden.

Etsy seller Bunting Boutique makes beautiful fabric buntings, perfect for weddings, birthdays or summer garden parties.


Let's not forget our feathered friends while we're having fun.  I think they'd love this birdbath by Artyard Studio.


Of course, no garden is complete without a sculpture or two.  How about this one from Wire and Woods?

Wire Sculpture!

Happy gardening!


kimmomofnine said...

Got our veggie patch in a week ago and we are all so excited about it!

My love/hate is I LOVE gardening, but I hate dirty hands...

Barb McMahon and Alan Mailloux said...

Don't forget the bugs...

Good luck with the veggies!